Sunday, November 17, 2013

Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus by Lois Tverberg

Since our Israel trip in April, I am trying to be more aware of Jewish thought and background as I read the words of Jesus. Lots of "hidden" meanings, from the Jewish culture that are a little harder for Christian/Westerners to understand. Lois hits several of Jesus' parables and responses to the Sanhedrin to help us "get" where Jesus was coming from. She begins with the Shema-what we recited with our fellow travelers every morning before hitting the various sites. LOVE:"ahavah" is the Hebrew word that goes beyond emotions and mental thought-loving is action. Loving our enemies isn't just attempting to feel better about them, it is DOING for them."Hessed" is to love as God loved -eternal/enduring/forgiving. She interestingly also developed what Jesus meant in Mt 6:22-23 about "healthy eyes" or having a "good eye" -- it is in passage about money and God's provision. She believes it means "what is your primary motivation in life?" To have a bad eye is to cling to the little that we have, a good eye is to be radically convinced that God will provide, thus the fruit is a generous attitude- a "good eye" towards others. Another great chapter was on judging, something that I struggle with --but in Jewish thought, Jesus taught in Luke 6:38 that we should let our scales of justice fall past the balance point, bestowing on others a little more than they deserve. Wow -- Christians really miss that. I personally see this in judging drivers (jerk)/ slow clerks/ people who make stupid choices/etc. -- The idea is extending grace --"making excuses" for bad behavior, judging in their favor. One last Jewish word "lashon hara" is vices of the tongue- gossip/slander/ malicious speech. Yikes --we commit this even when we don't speak - the rolling of our eyes. The practice of telling negatives about others that are unnecessary and damaging/bullying/humiliating others. Good read, lots to ponder.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Killing Kennedy by Bill O'Reilly

The author did a great job of re-telling the Kennedy story. Starting at the inauguration in 1960, he weaves between the journey of John Kennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald, until their paths collide in November 1963. Lots of photos and reminders of that day so well remembered when I was in 7th grade English class. So many details that I was not aware of: that Kennedy faced major issues in his 3 years (Bay of Pigs/ Vietnam War heating up/ beginning of racial tensions), that LBJ was not a favorite of John nor Bobby, that Jackie crawled on the back of the sedan to gather fragments of her husband's shattered skull, that the president was held up by a stiff back brace (had he not worn that,he may have not been hit by the second bullet), that Jackie visited Onassis's boat shortly after her baby died (and married him a few years later), that the President was warned not to visit Dallas by MANY people, that the motorcade route disregarded all the rules previously set by the Secret Service. Book Club had an extensive discussion, very enjoyable. This was a much easier read than Killing Lincoln, and extremely interesting.