Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Choosing to SEE by Mary Beth Chapman

A great autobiographical message of hope from the wife of one of the best loved Christian contemporary artists, Steven Curtis Chapman. Married young, they faced a variety of issues in their first years: financial, unexpected pregnancy, some in-law difficulties. Mary Beth realized early on that she was totally different from her husband--the laughing, friendly and creative entertainer. She, quiet and analytic with a plan for everything in her life --but it mostly never worked out the way she planned! Three biological kids, then 3 more adopted Chinese daughters later, they faced the hugest tragedy of their lives--the accidental death of their youngest, who had just turned five. Mary Beth outlines the chronic depression she faced throughout their marriage, then the deep grief. Her journal entries were raw with emotion and feeling, but she and her family clung to their hope in Christ and His goodness. A story of redemption and the hard journey that accompanies those who are sold out to God.

Monday, April 7, 2014

StrengthsFinder by Tom Rath

My quarterly book review for MEC, this was a short read describing over 25 strengths that are found in different combinations in all people. For more in-depth, I took the online test which was an eye opener as to my top 5 strengths. I found that I lead with connectiveness, meaning that I want those around me to mesh, to interact, to "connect". This explains why I make the effort to ask engaging questions that connect one another --via dinner conversations, Bible study, MEC meetings, Sunday School class. My others were communication (enjoy leading and no fear in being in front of people), responsibility (approval need, thus do all the detail; feel the deep need to care for family matters), developer (as Pastor's wife, as Bible study leader who wants to see changes; as mom who wants to see growth;). I didn't agree with Context, as it made it seem that I love and study history; I read historical novels and like to understand people's history so that I can understand them better. After reading the other choices, I would guess that I also might be an Arranger, loving to plan events, outings and meetings. This study made me realize that I am not just a combination of 4 different temperaments, as I have studied before-but in fact as God says, "I am fearfully and wonderfully made" and am made up of a unique combination of many traits. That makes me realize that not many other people are exactly like me, because I was created with different aspects of these strengths. Someone who is similar may have other aspects of the strengths. Brings a smile to my face--that God really made us "one of a kind"!!

Miracle in the City of Angels by Elle Conner

Descriptive journal from a mom who prayed and dreamed of a daughter, after birthing 2 sons. Their adoption journey reminded me so much of our daughter and son-in-law's three year marathon of international adoption. This couple traveled to Russia to pick up their little girl and endured the same legalities, delayed court dates, and testifying before a frightening judge -- and feeling numb and sad as they observed so many babies in an orphanage that did not have enough caregivers. A good read that gave me a better understanding of what is ahead for the Tegelaars.