Saturday, August 27, 2016

Musings from my Morning Walk

As the light of day began creeping over the trees, I left the house intending on my usual trek.  The rain came about halfway in; but not before God gave me a fresh insight on his creation.  I heard them before they appeared over my head--a gaggle of geese squawking and screeching, in their almost V formation.  Were they "in training", mothers noisily getting their goslings in order?  Were they singing lustily to a new day?  Did they need to rush to a place of safety from the rain?  As I watched them for those brief minutes, I was struck again with the wonder of God's creativity- how he formed geese with a "GPS", with the wisdom to lead in a formation, them to fall back and let another take the lead in order to rest.  This is what I am attempting to learn in these retirement years:  having been in a lead position for many years in ministry and on the homefront, it's time to loosen my grip and watch other capable ones step up and blossom; not to be sidelined, but to serve and support in a new way.  Teach me, Lord.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

New Design ~ New Adventure

Preparing for our big fall East Coast Adventure so decided my blog will look a bit "autumnish"!  My plan is to post highlights every few days with photos to document the old friends we visit and the new places we see.  Looking forward to resting, re-charging, and reminiscing with friends.  Also it will be a delight to spend extra time in God's creation and listening to His voice in the stillness.

July 2016 Michigan Memories

And they ALL descended upon us.....  and it was great!  Keith & Mel arrived first and we were privileged to keep the kids as they immediately turned around and took the train to Chicago for 2 days!  Because of a fever, Walker was a bit clingy but turned around somewhat and was his own cute self.  Maelie went to the library special event with Boppa and made loaded apple slices with Lita.  The Tegs arrived on Sunday and Maelie fell in love with all of the attention with so many playmates ready to keep her busy.  We set up the kiddie pool --Lita and Boppa took all the kiddos to the Alvin movie on Monday so Mik could pre-fix special food for the week, worked out perfectly.  By the time Ben and Jenny arrived late Monday evening, we were headed into a fun week.  Highlights:  library visits, Gun Lake Family Fun Day with high winds -blue skies and warm water!  Bike rides, Barbie car rides, BB gun target shooting, Lita's Salon Day, RV Van preparation, Celebration Dinner planned and prepared by kids for Bil and Mar.  A blessing that kids played exceptionally well and adults enjoyed a few rounds of 500!  I loved my bike rides with the Teg kids, farmers market with Azi, cuddling with Maelie on the boat after she fell on her head, putting Abbott to sleep, swinging with Walker, reading with Evy, laughing with Trux, smiles from Jet, seeing Z light up when we requested she be "chauffeur".  Ben & Jenny were able to stay a few more weeks, so we added other fun events:  Higgins Lake camping, Johnny Cash tribute concert on the lawn, Plainwell Ice cream, classes at the library with E,  feeding Abbott his first "real" food.  Precious memories.

A follow-up visit to Detroit to join Mel for 24 hours of non-stop activity--seeing the city rising up from their brokenness was truly heart-warming.  Lots of talk time.  Precious memories.