Saturday, September 6, 2014

Bound South by Susan Rebecca White

Interesting, but difficult, read from the perspectives of three Southern females, mostly the story of Louise - the "proper" Atlanta wife and mother. As I usually feel, too much course language--always wondering why it is needed; aren't there other words to express the feelings and anger? My biggest takeaway was that every family walks through journeys that are unexpected: rebellious teenagers, marriage discontent, in-law issues, dysfunctional pasts, friends who divorce, unwed pregnancies……. Louise attempts to walk in the best way she can, with candor. I never really knew what the author was presenting spiritually; she covered the gamut of religions with some sarcasm thrown in, but in the end -- inclusiveness prevails in the final scene; a young Jewish man, an Episcopalian mom, a Presbyterian dad, two gay men and a daughter who finds God in serving the homeless at a Catholic mission. I think the author wanted to bring the issues out in the open rather than carry on the myth in the South (and many other places), that appearances matter more than real relationships.

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