Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Watching the Amazing Perseid Meteor Shower

Determining to finally remember to observe some celestial activity (which seems to be low on my priority list), I set my alarm for 3:50 am on Sunday evening when I went to bed.  Although 3:50 was a bit early for my body, I did make it outside to my previously carefully-arranged chair at 4:30!  And I was rewarded almost immediately with a shooting star!  In fact, in a short 45 minutes I saw nine flashing meteors flying, along with nine planes traveling on the same route from west to east.  What an amazing pre-dawn show! As I pondered the skies, the stars, the slowly moving clouds, the anthem of the insects...my heart was encouraged with God's majesty and creativity.  My mind was full of questions.  Did God simply fling the stars into space, and they landed in just the perfect spots?  Or did He meticulously place each one so star gazers could name these constellation that were created?  Are the meteor showers in the original plan of God, or has the earth caused some of the spinning comets?  I also thought of the wise men searching diligently for the Star of David.  How did they absolutely know it was the right star?  If they were pagans, did God speak to their hearts about the star?  Unanswered questions that give me an anticipation for Heaven...and all the mysteries that may be made evident there.  It may be that we will still get to see the meteor showers there...up close and personal...and with the perfect Guide who can give us the best play by play as the show unfolds!

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