Sunday, December 20, 2020

The Rock, the Road, and the Rabbi by Kathie Lee Gifford

My husband picked up this non-fiction title at the library and we enjoyed reading and discussing it together. Both of us were transported back to our 2013 Fortieth Anniversary celebration in Israel when we walked the same places, and listened in amazement to the guides and teachers who brought a cultural context to the words of Jesus (that we thought we knew well).  

Gifford's book title refers to Jesus the Rock, Israel the Road, and God's Word the Rabbi (teacher).  Not only does she bring her personal reflections, but also  included are incredibly interesting facts by Rabbi Jason Sobel.  Even after traveling to Israel ourselves and being overwhelmed with new knowledge, this Rabbi added an even greater depth of enlightenment on the Word of God as seen through the eyes of a Jewish man.

Not only is Kathie Lee Gifford a successful newswoman, author, musician and philanthropist; she is a deeply committed woman of faith who exhibits joy, vulnerability, integrity and honesty in her interactions with the American people.  I'm a fan.

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